Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Still Jazercissing

I've been going with my friend and though I can't say I'm enjoying getting up at 5 to go work out, *yawn*, I am glad I'm still going! Having my friend come pick me up and drive me there certainly is a good motivator. ;)

My free week is over on Friday so I'll be needing to make the big commitment then. For now, I think it's a good fit for my fitness level and health issues. I can go as high impact or as low impact as I need w/o feeling like a failure like some exercise classes make you feel.  Maybe, when I'm feeling more fit and strong, I'll look into a dance class, which is something I would really love to do. :)

Friday, October 8, 2010


I went with a friend this morning to Jazzercise.  She's been going for 3 years and looks and feels great.  I'm hoping to be able to go w/ her 3x a week. It was fun and did feel good. I'm definitely starting low impact, it's been way too long to try anything more crazy. LOL

Nothing like a 5:45am class to get you moving in the morning!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Here we go

Baby girl was up all night. I finally gave in and got up with her around 4:30. Which means, I didn't get much sleep last night.  Also, when I did lay down last night I moved ever so slightly and I felt my back go, *twing*. I just laid there thinking, "Are you kidding me?" Anytime I've tried to start an exercise routine I get hurt or I get really sick, thwarting me from really getting started. In the past I've felt this was an attack of sorts and last night I really felt it as well.

Well, I'm not going to be defeated in this! I am going to get up and over this horrible hill I've begun to slide down, clawing my way up every step of the way until I reach the top and have a new horizon in front of me. 

I can do this but not on my own!  Off for my quiet time and some time on the elliptical. I need to get the kids together and start school as well.

I'm looking forward to the temperatures cooling down, it's still so blazing hot outside, it's hard to be motivated to get outside and sweat.

Food so far, one glass of water. Need to grab some breakfast too!

New Beginnings

New Beginnings is the title because this is a new beginning for me. It has come to this point. I can't deny, hide away or ignore. I must get healthy and by posting my day to day progress I'm hoping to stay accountable.

I'll start with the basics. I'm overweight. There is no way to sugar coat the fact that I need to lose weight. Not only for my vanity, which I've got plenty of but also for the health issues that go along with carrying extra weight. I want my kids to have a healthy role model to follow. I have 4 girls and my negativity about the way I look is not good for them to be hearing.

So, this is it. I'm changing my ways now. I will start by journaling what I eat and drink and how much I move. I think my weight gain is a combination of sources that will be difficult to overcome but, through His strength, I will succeed!

My goals will be to lose 40 pounds and to drop in clothing size. My hope is as the weight goes away, so will some of the nagging health problems and my overall disposition will improve.

Another goal, go to bed and get regular sleep. Which means, I need to log off now. It's 1 am here, which is not a good time for going to bed when you need to be up with the kiddo's in the morning!

I'll sign off with my first food entry, one glass of water. :)

I can do this, right? :-/